Longridge wows the region with its first ever SoapBox Derby

A brilliant day was had by everyone as the residents of Longridge and the wider area came to town to enjoy the first SoapBox Derby. An estimated 5,000 people were treated to some great racing, some spectacular (and not harmful) crashes that have since gone viral, brilliant shopping and delightful food and drink.

The smiles on the faces of spectators was wonderful to see as was the success that our shops, bars and restaurants enjoyed on the day - the money earned on the day will help these businesses get through what could be a challenging winter and will help protect the fabric of our community.

The icing on the cake is that a very substantial amount of money has been raised for use by Longridge Community Action, for the good of our town.

We are currently meeting to see what we can do even better next year, before announcing the date of our next SoapBox event. Why not subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you are kept update?


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